Leak Detection and Preventing Future Drain Issues

Any residential or commercial plumbing company will tell you about how crucial it is to detect a leak before things get out of hand. Why? Think about your monthly water bills and how they can affect your business’ bottom line. Think about all the damage that an unchecked leak can cause. The problem can quickly get out of hand without you even realizing it.

We also want to point out that some leaks are not as easy to detect as others. Sometimes the issue is hidden in plain sight. Other times your professional plumbing company will need to do a little extra investigating. Either way, if you allow the leak to persist, then your drain pipes will experience severe structural damage and deterioration. Regular drain cleaning and inspection services will make a huge difference in preventing those leaks from occuring.

An underground water leak detector or water leak repair solutions are going to offer you a multitude of benefits. Why allow the issue to fester when you can take several preventative steps toward protecting your drain and sewer lines? Implementing these early leak detection tips are going to help you immensely and here’s why:

Why Early Leak Detection Is Important

Early leak detection is crucial because you are going to prevent a lot of potential property damage while also reducing water waste. Leaks can also become incredibly costly. The more water you are wasting, the higher your monthly expanse for your water bill. The average leaky faucet will waste up to 17 gallons of water in a day. Leaky faucets, however, are easy to spot – pipe leaks, on the other hand, tend to be hidden inside walls or underground.

Leak detection and repair work is also an important part of prolonging the lifespan of your system. Why allow things to get out of hand and replace an entire system when you can invest in a cost-effective detection service? Almost every plumbing repair company will also recommend undergoing regular leak detection services because they are important for the health and safety of your family. Mold and mildew will grow in environments that tend to trap a lot of moisture. Bacterial growth can exacerbate pre-existing health conditions, such as asthma or other respiratory deficiencies.

Minimizing Damage

Any leak that occurs inside your home, regardless of whether it’s behind your walls or underneath your slab floors, will put you in a tough position. That’s because the damage created by the leak will require you to replace entire sections of your home, whether it’s drywall or concrete flooring. If you fail to detect these issues early on, then you are going to have to pay a hefty price to repair and restore your home to its original condition.

Avoiding Exterior Damage and Health Issues

The inside of your home isn’t the only area that’s vulnerable to damage when a leak occurs. Exterior leaks are also possible, and they can do a number on the fixtures that are outside of your home. An example would be a pool or spigot leak, which can cause a significant amount of damage to your landscaping and foundation. The repairs, again, will come with a costly price tag.

We also want to discuss the potential health risks of allowing a leak to go undetected. Leaks are very much a cause for concern when it comes to the safety of you and your family. Leaks tend to create damp areas in your home, which establishes a hotbed for bacteria and other microbial growths. This creates a hazardous situation with severe health risks. The last thing that you want to happen is for one of your loved ones to end up in the hospital. Early leak detection plays a huge role in protecting your family.

The Best Leak Detection Tips

  • Stop and Listen to Your System – Take the time to listen to your system and see if you can hear any irregularities. Pipes or sewer lines that are leaking will usually produce a faint moaning or groaning noise when pressurized. Also, keep an eye out for warm spots in your flooring. This usually indicates that you are experiencing a sub-floor leak (or water leak under the slab of your home’s foundation). 
  • Inspect Your Entire Home – Leaks can creep up on you when are least expecting them. The first way to find and confirm that a leak is occurring is to see it happening with our eyes. If you are a homeowner, then you should periodically check your walls, baseboards, ceilings, basements and attics for any standing water or accumulation of moisture. Trying to find and locate those undetected leaks will do a great deal of good in preventing future emergencies. Inspecting your home also does not take a long time to do. You will feel a lot better about yourself knowing that you are taking a proactive approach to protect your plumbing system. 
  • Smell Your Home – Nasty and putrid odors are a tell-tale sign that your drain is experiencing a major clog. Bacteria and pollutants tend to collect inside your drain pipes and sewer line, which are the cause of the smell that’s making its way through your home
  • Higher Water Bills – Are you noticing that your water bills are progressively increasing? Are they much higher now than they were just a couple of months ago? You don’t have to accept the situation! What you should do is repair the leak inside your home that is causing the increase in your water expenses. You shouldn’t have to pay for water that you are not using.  
  • Infestations – An active (and undetected) leak will attract a lot of pests, which will quickly develop into an infestation. Water can bring in ants, termites, and even rodents. The pests are not always easy to eliminate either. Detecting any leaks early on will go a long way in preventing any potential disasters, including infestations. Hiring a water leaking specialist is going to benefit you tremendously because it’s difficult to stop an infestation once it begins.


There are a plethora of solutions for early leak detection. They include a wifi water leak detector, smart water detector, and many other unique devices and strategies that allow you to stay ahead of the damage. We understand how crucial it is to have your plumbing system running efficiently at all times. Hiring a residential plumbing company to handle everything for you is a big step in the right direction. If you have any questions, you can always contact one of our staff members to learn more about early leak detection.