What Causes Leaky Faucets and How Much Water Are You Wasting?

Leak faucets – they can happen in various fixtures around our homes and they occur for several reasons. Those little droplets falling from your kitchen or bathroom sinks don’t seem to be a major bother at first. And while leaky faucets are certainly common, a residential plumbing company will tell you that they can have negative impacts over time. Your water bills are going to increase and you are creating a lot of unnecessary wastewater. However, you can avoid these consequences by learning more about the causes of a dripping faucet.

Our team of researchers has compiled of list of some of the more common culprits of a leaking tap or faucet. Learning about what’s causing the issue is going to supply you with enough knowledge and information to go about leaky faucet repair work. We understand that the sound is annoying you, and you also want to limit your waste. Here is some helpful information on diagnosing and fixing the issue:

Common Causes of Dripping Faucets

Whether it’s your bathroom or kitchen faucet that’s leaking, most causes are relatively easy to determine. It’s one of the most recurring issues with any plumbing fixture. Every homeowner can attest to having experienced a dripping faucet in the past. Professional plumbing companies also deal with the issue pretty consistently. Listed below are the more well-known causes:

  • Water Pressure – Water pressure is usually what’s creating the dripping phenomenon. Pay close attention to your plumbing fixtures when you turn on the water. Is the dripping effect increasing? If so, then water pressure is likely the cause of the issue. In a situation such as this, you will need to hire a residential or commercial plumbing repair company.
  • Cartridge – The cartridge is a component of your faucet that’s responsible for regulating the amount of water going through it. The cartridge will inevitably begin to wear down and become less efficient, and water will begin to leak through the fixture. You will need to invest in a second cartridge to prevent leaky faucets. 
  • Seals – A seal is what prevents water from leaking from the fixture entirely. Seals, just like cartridges, will begin to wear down and not offer the same resistance. Hard minerals and sediment tend to collect in seals, which will cause them to deteriorate faster. 
  • Valve Seat – The valve seat is the component that connects your faucet with the spout. Spouts can cause leaky faucets when too much sediment collects in this particular area.
  • O-ring – The O-ring is what stabilizes your faucet and keeps it in place. An old O-ring will be much less effective in securing your faucet, and you will need to replace it at some point.
  • Loose or Broken Parts – Sometimes certain parts within your faucet will eventually loosen or break completely. Once this happens, then the dripping occurs. You should hire a plumbing repair company to fix the issue immediately once you notice that you have a faulty component.

Why You Need To Repair Your Dripping Faucet Immediately

A dripping faucet can have severe consequences if you don’t repair them immediately. This may come off as an overreaction because they seem like such a minor issue. How much harm can a couple of droplets of water cause? Allow us to explain some of the problems associated with prolonged leaky faucets:

  • Water Damage – Water damage occurs when excess water leaks into an area where it shouldn’t be. Pipes are also prone to leaks just like faucets. Water damage can turn up in various sections of your home, including under the faucet, within your walls, under the house, or elsewhere depending on the pipe leak’s location.
  • Wasted Water – The average leaky faucet will waste around 3,000 gallons of water in a year. That’s a lot of water that you are not putting to good use. Any residential plumbing company will advise that you avoid wastefulness when you can because you are causing a depletion to your local water supply. This can force the government to put restrictions on your water usage, which is something you want to avoid if you can.
  • High Water Bills – Take a good look at your current monthly water bill and compare it to your previous bill. Do you notice a spike in the money you are paying? Would you rather save that money? Every gallon of water that you use is tallied toward your bill – including those tiny droplets in your kitchen sink. Why pay for water that you are not using? High water bills are very much an avoidable issue.
  • Outbreaks of Mold and Mildew – When water leaks into areas where it’s not supposed to be, it creates a moisture trap. This allows harmful bacterial growths to flourish and thrive. There very well could be mold or mildew underneath your sink right now. Mold and mildew are something you want to avoid because they can cause a lot of contamination inside your home. Then you will have a major health and safety hazard on your hands.

Get Professional Help

Hiring a team of experts will benefit you immensely. Think about it – many DIY repair projects are liable to fail. However, a plumbing repair company is going to offer you the experience and knowledge to fix everything with ease. They can ensure that the problem will go away permanently. Here are some of the more complex issues that they are going to fix:

  • Broken Pipes – Broken pipes can contribute to leaky faucets around your home. To repair them, however, will require professional assistance. A residential plumber can handle all sorts of issues and handle them without making any mistakes. If you suspect that something is wrong with your pipes, then you should call a professional immediately. 
  • Loose Parts – Loose or faulty parts that need repairing or replacing will also fall under the responsibility of a professional plumbing service. That’s because certain components are very difficult to reach and only a repair specialist will know how to handle things. Your professional plumber will possess the necessary training, expertise and tools that allow them to inspect some of the deepest sections of your home plumbing system. However, sometimes your leaky faucet repair service is something as simple as tightening a loosened part.

Need help from a professional? Give us a call today! One of our plumbing experts can answer any question you have regarding leaky faucets and offer you advice on how you can go about remedying the situation.